PERFECT GIFT** For you or for one you care for. Perfect for Birthday,
Christmas, Mothers Day, Valentines Day, Engagement, Wedding...for any
occassion to celebrate
PREMIUM QUALITY** We only sell finest quality certified and stamped
jewelry. We are in 100% compliance with FTC Regulations. Every jewelry
of ours is subjected to rigorous quality checks to ensure precision to
the specifications. From the past 10 years we are serving countless
happy and fully satisfied customers with fabulous fine jewelry to
cherish for a life time
SATISFACTION GUARANTY** We guarantee 100% satisfaction. We are a highly
reputed fine jewelry merchant selling on Amazon from 10 years. Our
reputation is unmatched for quality, value and customer care. For your
satisfaction please check jewelry details on the page prior to purchase.
We also offer no questions asked Full Refund Policy. Just send us an
email We send you return shipping label
EXQUISITE DESIGN** Our jewelry designs are trendy, gorgeous, timeless,
classy and edgy. Smooth and Comfortable to wear. Our unique styles are
eye catching and elegant with nice sparkling shiny presence bringing
smiles and a positive environment around you
10k Black 15x31mm Dial Rectangular Face Nugget Watch; length of item: 7 in